What small businesses have a high profit margin?

From there, you can create a business plan that outlines the strategies and steps you'll take to help your company achieve its objectives. With a business credit card, you can get benefits and rewards for your expenses, as well as start building a business credit history. These ideas for profitable businesses span a variety of industries and involve different time commitments and initial costs. If you have experience as a mechanic, you might consider an auto repair service as one of the most profitable business ideas.

Companies can increasingly outsource administrative tasks to individuals who are self-employed, which can save the company money and, at the same time, offer a small business owner a privileged market. It can be difficult for startups to qualify for some traditional business loans, as they often require several years of business history for approval. Retail involves any business that sells products or services to a customer, including businesses in physical stores and online. Almost 8,000 companies responded, giving a solid picture of the most popular industries that employing companies choose when starting their business.

Business credit cards are also a short-term financing option, especially for everyday business purchases. Professional services are a broad field, that is, any service provided to another company or to business professionals. Business support and consumer services include administrative functions that support business efforts, as well as remediation services, such as oil and chemical cleanup and waste management. If you are fluent in Twitter, live your life on Facebook, and have earned all the jobs you've ever had through LinkedIn, you might consider turning your social media experience into your own business venture that offers support to business owners who need help managing their brands' social media platforms.

And if you speak one of the most popular languages, such as Mandarin, Spanish or Arabic, online language courses could be one of your most profitable business ideas.